Dear Sewing Friends….Whenever we buy any expensive dress material we get lining material with it. Now the next step will be on the door of tailor for stitching it. Hold on !!! now no need to head towards tailor shop for stitching. Today we will learn how to stitch kurti with lining.
Well, I stitch almost all my dresses with lining especially the synthetic fabric. The benefit is that the dress becomes more comfortable for me and it can be worn in any season.
Sewing kurti with lining
Many of my sewing bloggers requested to post about the lining dress so here we go…..
In Hindi lining is a.k.a ASTAR.
For kameez/kurti the lining required is 2 metres.
1) Cut the front and back from the fabric.
2) Now fold the ASTAR such that both selvedges lie on each other.

3) Keep front of fabric on lining and trace the outline of kurti.
4) Now if the length of your kurti is 38″ including the seam allowance, keep the length of the lining 36″ including seam allowance. Hope you remember that in my tutorials I have taken seam allowance of 2″.
5) Cut the traced outline from lining.
6) Follow same method for back.
7) First of all fold and stitch the bottom of lining fabric of both, the front and back.
8) Keep the wrong side of kurti on wrong side of lining follow this for front and back. Pin it up or you can also use fabric glue.

9) Keep the stitch length of your sewing machine on highest and first stitch in the middle line of kurta. By this the kurti is secured with the lining. Then sew along the outline of kurti. I have marked the outline in white.
10) Cut the desired neckline. First stitch along the outline of neckline,and then make the neckline.

11) Stitch the sleeves and continue as usual and finish stitching your dress.
So hence-forth stitching a dress with astar is not an herculean task for you 🙂
Happy Blogging….
Gurmeet 🙂
I have upgraded to auto sewing machine from hand one now which moves very fast how should I hold fabric as I proceed hope u’ll help
Can you please tell how to cut n sew princess cut anarkali shameez I mean inner
hi madam I am new to this blog. its very interesting. you are doing great job. it is very useful for me. Please let me know how to take armhole measure . everytime i am doing mistakes in armhole part means my armhole become tight. please guide me how to take right measure for armhole. thanks a ton in advance. aahana
Dear Aahana,
Thanks for appreciating.
As mentioned your armhole becomes tight it indicates that the armhole curve is taken more. You lessen the curve and inform me. Just draw the draft properly and your armhole measurement will come proper.
First let me know how u measure n cut armhole then v can explain where u r wrong
thank u so much for u r blog…from all blogs dis on is the best with proper xplanations n diagrams….i hv stitched anarkali kameez for my sis n it came out very wel with perfect fitng…my doubts on armhole and sleeves cutng got very cleard thanks a lot…..u r so kind to share ur knwledge wd us….god bless u…
Thanks for appreciating my work.