Hello Friends,
Cutting the neckline is an important step in sewing kurti. So today we will see how to cut the neck design of kurti. The neck design or the neckline of kurti are of various shapes. The kurti neck designs starts from basic geometric shape like square, rectangle. Other shapes like the ” U ” shape is quite common shape for neckline. Usually the U shape is used in back neckline design. Free hand drawings of leaf shape or heart shape is also in used to make neck design in kurti kameez. Let’s start our sewing tutorial.
I have uploaded kurti neck cutting video on our channel. Watch it now…the link’s below.
Kurti neck design cutting
The measurements required for cutting kurti neck are
- Neckline width
- Neckline length
Materials required for cutting neckline of kurti are
- Fusible interfacing (fusing fabric/paper) or Buckram
- Chalk / pen
- Measurement tap
In this post I will show you 3 simple methods to cut kurti neck design. But before cutting neckline we should know how much fusing paper/ fabric is required to cut neckline design of kameez or kurti.
- Measure kurti neckline width.
- Add 1″ or 1.5 ” seam allowance to it.
- Measure kurti neckline length diagonally.
- Add 1″ or 1.5 ” seam allowance to it.
- Take fusing paper and fold it.
- The width of paper will be your neckline width + allowance.
- The length of paper will be your neckline length ( diagonal) + allowance.
3 simple methods to cut kurti neck design are explained below.
1 Method to cut kurti neck design
- Take the fusing paper.
- 1 – 2 is the neckline width.
- 2 – 3 = 1″ allowance.
- 2 – 4 is neckline length diagonally.
- Fold the fusing and draw the desired neck design.
- Draw another shape of same neck design.
- I have shown in dotted line.
- First cut this dotted line.
- Now cut the pink shape from 3 – 5.
- Now you have the neck design, keep it on the extra fabric and iron it. Refer the video.

kurti neck design
2 Method of kurti neckline cutting
In the video how to cut simple kurti I told you to keep the cutting of the neckline shape. We will use it here in this method.
- First fold the fusing.
- Keep the neckline cutting on folded side.
- 1 – 2 is neckline width.
- Draw the kurti neck design.
- Draw the dotted shape also.
- Cut along the dotted shape.
- You have the neck design, keep it on the extra fabric and iron it. Refer the video.

Neck design
3 Method of cutting kurti neck design
In this method we will use our front part of kurti.
- First fold the fusing.
- Keep the neckline cutting on folded side.
- 1 – 2 is neckline width.
- Draw the kurti neck design.
- Draw the dotted shape also.
- Cut along the dotted shape.
- You have the neck design, keep it on the extra fabric and iron it. Refer the video.

Neckline cutting
In my next post I will show sewing the neckline. And yes the video version will also be uploaded of it. And one more thing I would like to bring to your notice. Now you can upload the image of your creations in the comment section below every tutorial post.
Hope you all understood the 3 simple methods to cut kurti neck design. Please do give us your feedback. If you have any doubts do comment on it.
Hope you will share the video and subscribe the channel.
Happy Blogging 😉
Love “N” Gratitude 🙂
Gurmeet Kaur
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